Honestly I have had better. I got this for my 4 yo and she was having trouble with movie the pieces into the right spots. So I tried to help her. Trying to grab a piece and move it over can be hard and wont move anymore once you get to a certain spot on the screen and just goes back on the side. The one picture dims so low we can barley see it to see what we are doing. And there are only a few "free" puzzles before you have to pay for new ones. Also the commercials are so long and most of the time very inappropriate for a child her age and there is no way to skip it. So half the time shes just sat there and watched some guys head getting blown off and blood splattering all over the screen... I for one wont be keeping it based on this alone. But the fact that the pieces wont move all the way over half the time and you have to keep grabbing it and trying to refit it is just to frustrating for her. I downloaded another kiss puzzle for her that worked much better and didnt have violent or sexual commercials...
Rostabob about Kids' Puzzles